Lead a team of unlikely heroes into battle against an ancient enemy and save the Kingdom of Tyrune! Explore a magical world, conquer evil, collect loot, mystical items, and designer T-shirts. Place your characters strategically, time your attacks, unleash powerful spells, and customize your party and play style against dozens of different enemy types to succeed. Can you unravel the truth about the mysterious Tower in the Sky? This is a premium game without advertisements, IAP or pay to win mechanics. Pay once and enjoy the entire campaign. Easy to pick up and play on normal and easy difficulty levels, while hard and extreme levels will challenge even the most hardcore strategy role playing game vets. A side campaign featuring 2 hours of additional playtime is on the way, and will be made available to everyone who purchases the game for no additional cost. The side campaign will be released when we hit 1,000 downloads, so please help out and leave a review of the game!
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